SEND Policy
SEND Report
SEND At Uphall
Uphall Primary School are proud to be an inclusive school who strive to support all children to enable them to make the best possible progress. Our team work hard to provide valuable learning experiences through a broad and balance curriculum. We provide Quality First Teaching with high expectations to make sure that all pupils achieve their full potential.
A wide range of support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is given at Uphall to meet individual needs. We feel that it is important to establish an effective partnership with parents and carers from the moment a pupil enters our school. In the initial meeting, questions are asked about medical conditions and special educational needs, which informs us of what provision and procedures are needed to fully support each child.
To ensure all additional needs are identified early, we offer a wide range of provision to suit each individual. We work in partnership with outside agencies and a wide range of professionals such as Health, to make sure that children have access to the appropriate provision.
Teachers have regular training and support from the SENDCo, who is fully qualified, to ensure planning caters for the wide range of needs in each classroom. As a school, we continue to monitor progress over time and identify which children may need additional support which could be in the form of Speech and Language Therapy, Reading Interventions or Maths Boosters.
Uphall have a full time School Counsellor, to cater for pupils with SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) difficulties. Her role is to provide social skills groups, one to one counselling sessions, lunch time drop in appointments for any worries children may have and to support teachers with challenging behaviour.
Our SENDCo liases with services of the specialist providers, such as our Educational Psychologist, New Rush Hall, Newbridge and Hatton Outreach teachers as necessary.
SEATSS Staff have set up helplines for SEATSS Families –School Staff/ Families can email or ring – in the first instance if you/they would like a call they can message and we will ring you back.
Pupils with SEND are admitted to the school on the same basis as any other child. The Governing Body uses the LEA admissions criteria. In the case of Physical Disability the Admissions person must liaise with the SENDCo to determine the suitability of Uphall Primary meeting their needs.
Specialist Provisions and Facilities
All teachers in the school are teachers of children with special needs and attend a variety of courses related to special needs issues. Uphall has a number of teaching staff and Learning Coaches, who are employed to support our children with special needs.
Our nursery is adapted for the needs of disabled users. Unfortunately, not all areas of our school are wheelchair accessible.
The governors would however, make every effort to accommodate a pupil’s particular needs and would work with the Children’s Trust to improve facilities.
Further Information
We have uploaded some information, resources and links that you may find helpful to use at home with your child. Most of these resources are what the children are familiar with at school. If you would like further support, please contact your child’s class teacher by emailing his/her class mailbox and someone from the Inclusion Team will contact you.