Apply For A Place For Your Child
Uphall Primary School is a five form entry school, meaning that we admit 150 children in each year group from Reception to Year 6.
Applications for entry into Uphall Primary School are completed through the London Borough of Redbridge via the online e-admissions website.
Pupils with SEND are admitted to the school on the same basis as any other child. The Governing Body uses the LEA admissions criteria. In the case of Physical Disability the the LEA Admissions department must liaise with the SENDCO to determine the suitability of Uphall Primary meeting their needs.
Our School Governing Body has no power to decide who gets a place at our school. This is decided by the LEA (Local Education Authority).
Applications for admission must be made online via the Redbridge e-admissions website. Please see a guide to making an application by clicking below.
Redbridge Admissions Arrangements 2024-25
Please read the below file for details of Redbridge’s admission procedure.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Nursery Admissions
To make a Nursery Application, complete an application form available from the school office.
- Applications are considered by the year of the child’s birth and places are offered in date of birth order.
- Children enter the Nursery in the academic year they turn four.
- If no places are available names are held on a waiting list. Once you are offered a place you will receive an invite for an admission interview and will be introduced to the staff and invited to look around.
- We will also try to make a home visit to meet you and your child in their own environment.
Some parents may be eligible for 30 hours of free Early Years education. Eligibility can be checked through the following website:
To receive an application pack for Nursery please contact us and speak to a member of our office team
Uphall Primary School
Uphall Road
Tel: 020847892993
The statutory right to appeal does not apply to admissions to nursery classes.
Please note, a place in a nursery class DOES NOT guarantee that your child will be admitted to the main school. You will need to apply for a place in a Reception class between September 1st and January 15th, the year before your child is due to start school.
Redbridge Admissions Arrangements 2025-26
The Local Authority’s determined Admission Arrangements for 2025-2026 and the updated Fair Access Protocol are now available on the Redbridge website at the following links.
Appeals Procedure
If you have been refused a place at a school you have named in your application, you have the legal right to appeal against that decision (unless your child has been permanently excluded from two schools).
The statutory right to appeal does not apply to admissions to nursery classes.