ISS want to gauge the feelings amongst parents regarding the quality of the meals and service. There is a parental survey that consists of 10 questions. Can you please click on the link below to the fill out the survey.
The Thinking Schools Federation (Highlands and Uphall) school meals provider is ISS Catering.
For a guide on how to register and order a meal for your child online please click here.
Meals are cooked and served onsite at both schools. You can see this terms menu by clicking here.
Services offered include:
- Each day, the kitchen prepares healthy and delicious lunches, from a range of fresh and seasonal ingredients.
- A choice between three main meals (halal/non halal, vegetarian and alternative)
- We also cater for children with specific allergies and meeting is held with the parent, the school and ISS Catering to ensure specific requirements are catered for.
Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)
All children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2) get free school meals under the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme.
Parents/carers receiving qualifying benefits (refer to the School’s Charging Policy for details) should continue to register for Free School Meals (FSM), so your child can get extra funding for the school.
You may contact the school for a form to give permission to the school to check your FSM eligibility.
Key Stage 2 (Year 3, 4, 5 & 6)
Meals taken by Key Stage 2 children are currently paid for by the Major’s Universal Free School Meals (MUFSM) grant.
Again, parents/carers receiving qualifying benefits (refer to the School’s Charging Policy for details) should continue to register for Free School Meals (FSM), so your child can get extra funding for the school.
You may contact the school for a form to give permission to the school to check your FSM eligibility.
Applications for free school meals must be made online. These are processed by London Borough of Redbridge, Lynton House, Ilford – not by the school.
You can find out more and make an application for free school meals by visiting the Redbridge free school meals page.
Please see below for the current menu for lunches at Uphall Primary School.