Our Parent Charter
Under The United Nations Convention everyone under the age of 18 has 42 rights. At Uphall Primary School we strive to ensure that your child has full access to all of their rights. We teach the children that with these rights there also comes respect and responsibility. This forms the basis of our school ethos and we are proud to be a Rights Respecting School. We want to work in partnership with you to ensure that your child makes the most of their learning at Uphall Primary School.
What is Expected of You.
Ensure your child comes to school everyday, is punctual and collected on time. This will give your child the best opportunity to achieve. (Article 28, 29, 30)
Make sure the school is aware of any concerns that may affect your child’s learning opportunities and wellbeing. (Article 18, 24)
Attend Parents Evening and discussions about your child’s progress. (Article 28, 29)
Take an interest in my child’s participation in school life and encourage them to join in a wide range of activities both during and after school. (Article 12, 29, 31)
Support and encourage your child to follow the school ethos of respect and inclusion. (Article 28, 29, 30)
Keep the school informed of any changes of address or contact numbers. (Article 3)
To support my child with homework and other opportunities of home learning. (Article 13, 15, 17, 29)
What is Expected of Your Child.
To respect their right to education by attending school everyday and fully take part in all aspects of all school life.
Ensure that they achieve the best of their abilities. to follow all agreed school charters including, playground, dining hall and classroom charters.
To treat all members of the school community with respect.
To show respect to equipment, building and their environment.
What You Can Expect From Us
We encourage your child to do her or his best and achieve his or her full potential as a valid member of the school community.
We provide a balanced, creative and varied curriculum to meet the individual needs of your child.
We ensure that your child’s well being and safety is of paramount importance at all times.
We promise to inform you of your child’s progress at regular meetings.
We offer you opportunities for you to be involved in the daily life of the school.
The United Nations Convention has 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child’s life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights.
Ensure your child comes to school everyday, is punctual and collected on time.
Keep the school informed of any changes of address or contact numbers.
Support your child with homework and other opportunities of home learning.