You can download this info (English only) by clicking here.
Step 1: First Page
Go to or click the link on our website using your internet browser. If you see the below login page, you can skip step 2 and go straight to step 3. If you are already logged into Google or see any other page rather than the one below, please go to step 2.
Step 2: Someone Is Already logged into Google
If you see a page similar to one in the picture below, then someone else has already logged in to Google on the computer. You will need to switch to your Uphall login to see your Uphall Classroom.
Step 2a: Add Your Account
You can change to your Uphall Google login by clicking the ‘account button’ (1) in the top right corner of the screen. When this button is clicked a menu appears. From the menu select ‘Add Another Account’ (2).
Step 2b: Choose Another Account
Click ‘Use Another Account’ (1). You have now completed step 2 and will be ready to login with your Uphall account.
Step 3: Time to Login
Step 3a: Enter your email address
To login type the email address your teacher gave you into the ‘Email or Phone’ (1) box. Click ‘Next’ (2).
Step 3b: Enter Your Password
On the next page type the password your teacher gave you into the ‘Enter Your Password’ (1) box. Click ‘Next’ (2)
Step 3C: Welcome To Your New Account
Read the description of how your account works. Click ‘Accept’(1). You will only see this on your first login.
Step 3d: Join Google Classroom
Click ‘Continue’ (1) to finalise your Google Classroom account.
Step 3D: Choose Your Role
You now need to tell Google Classroom your role. Select ‘I’m a student’ (1). You only have to do this on your first login
Step 3E: Your Classrooms
Now you will see all of the classrooms you are a member of. For now only your main class is available. Keep checking back as we will be increasing the number of classes, subjects and groups in this area soon. To enter your class click ‘Join’ (1)
3F: That’s it. You’re done!
You’ve now successfully logged into your Google Classroom. For more info you can read or watch some of the handy help files and videos on our website at