Recently, we hosted a visit from our School Advisor and he explained to us that there was so much Outstanding practice at Uphall Primary that we should share this with our parents on our website. So here we go!
- We are the lead Rights Respecting School for London. Through our work, we have ensured that the Mayor of London has committed £1.4 million to enable every school in London to join us in being a Rights Respecting School. Wow!
In addition to Rights Respecting, we are also the lead school for the Mayor of London’s Talk Matters Programme. This programme aims to develop the quality of pupil talk in schools. As a result, we are supporting three London local authorities to improve this aspect of practice and they regularly visit us to see best practice dialogic teaching in action. - We are a Thinking School which means that teacher learning is as important to us as pupils learning. As a consequence, ten of our teachers have completed their Masters and many more are on that journey.
- We have a broad and balanced curriculum and ensure that there is a dedicated focus on our children’s wider engagement in Sports and the Arts. For example, every child in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 will learn a different musical instrument each year. Last year, every child in Year 6 learnt how to play a Ukulele and in Year 5, the recorder. We have the largest choir of any school in the Local Authority, including the highest number of boys. Last year, our choir performed at the O2 and the Royal Albert Hall.
- Uphall is a highly inclusive school and we are a school of choice for parents of children with SEND. We were selected as the lead school to present at the conference to launch the new ‘London Inclusion Charter‘ to share the excellent practice at our school.
- Our approach to Inclusion was featured on Radio 5 Live, BBC News and News on Five.
- Every child at our school has access, if necessary, to counselling through our award winning full- time Emotional Literacy Support Advisors. As a consequence, the quality of student wellbeing at our school is exceptional.
- Every member of staff at our school is an experienced coach or is developing as a coach. As a result, we are leading the development of coaching this year across a group of schools in Luxembourg.
- Our Early Years setting is exceptional and our Nursery now has an extensive waiting list. We invest in our Early Years more than any other year group because this is where we set the standards for our children to build the skills, attitudes and dispositions to learning for life.
You can see our exceptional curriculum at work at our sister school, Highlands Primary School, where they were recently graded Outstanding by Ofsted.
Highlands Primary School, Ilford praised at Ofsted inspection