We passionately believe that with the right support, all children can and will learn to read.
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Exceptional Practice at Uphall

Recently, we hosted a visit from our School Advisor and he explained to us that there was so much Outstanding practice at Uphall Primary that we should share this with our parents on our website.

So here we go!

Important Dates


27febAll Day Cutty Sark TripYear 3 Children - 3BE & 3HM(All Day: thursday) Cutty Sark, King William Walk, Greenwich SE10 9HT0:56:30 Time Left

28feb1:45 pmParent's Consultations1:45pm Closure1:45 pm


03marAll DayCutty Sark TripYear 3 Children - 3KO & 3MO(All Day: monday) Cutty Sark, King William Walk, Greenwich SE10 9HT

04marAll DayBasketball(All Day: tuesday)